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About us



Our teams have been using their expertise to design innovative solutions for research and personalized medicine for over 15 years.

Our ultimate goal is to improve the care of patients with complex diseases such as cancer, by providing biological sample analysis solutions that speed up research and help ensure more accurate diagnosis.

Pierre Defrenaix
Founder, CEO

our approach

Our approach uses two complementary analysis methods to provide a detailed view of biological samples: digital pathology and molecular pathology. These methods can be used separately or together to improve the accuracy of a diagnosis, discover new biomarkers, assess the efficacy of treatment and develop personalized medicine.

Digital pathology

We use digital technology to acquire, manage and interpret images of tissue and cell samples. This approach has significant advantages, such as:

  • Easy data storage and access
  • Dematerialized sharing of results
  • Access to and analysis of large datasets
  • Using artificial intelligence algorithms to interpret images

It speeds up collaboration between researchers, enables reproducible sample analysis and limits human error.

Molecular pathology

This approach involves detailed analysis of the molecular anomalies responsible for disease in cells, tissues or organs. It uses techniques such as PCR and DNA sequencing to detect genetic mutations, chromosomal rearrangements and protein modification. This method enables:

  • Highly accurate diagnosis and prognosis
  • Personalized treatment based on patient characteristics
  • Patient stratification

our offer

Because we want to make the latest analysis technologies available to as many of our customers as possible, we have developed a comprehensive service offering that can be adapted to your budget:

  • A comprehensive digital and molecular pathology service offering

Our lab has the latest technology, meaning we can manage all your projects to the highest standards of quality and tracking.

  • A range of carefully selected products designed for the needs of our industry

As a solutions provider, we use our expertise to market and develop the innovative, high-performance systems you need.

We sell what we use and use what we sell.

Our services

Visit our services website to see how we can help you


our network

We complement our activities by conducting research, independently or with our academic partners, in our two areas of expertise.

Our ambition is to improve current research methods and better understand the birth of molecular mechanisms before they can be detected by current techniques.


our staff industrial